TTF Live!

You can now bring the magic of the “Too-Tall Foyle” Children’s Series to your local school, library, or community center through the “Too-Tall Foyle Live!” Tour.


Too-Tall Foyle is ideal for grades K through 3. We will adjust the content to suit the ages of the audience, focusing on the story, geography, topography, travel, music, and of course being tall!

Length of Events

45-75 minutes, depending on age group, location, and scheduling needs.


For assembly presentations, we request a large Multi­Purpose Room or Theater with Projection Screen.

It’s as easy as 1,2,3.

  1. Fill out the “Host A Too-Tall Foyle” event form.
  2. We will send you your complete project planner and information kit.
  3. Order your bulk copies of “Too-Tall Foyle” and book your event! (Please note, that a minimum of 100 copies is required to secure your booking).





    Event Location

    Approximate # of Attendees

    When would you like to schedule the event?

    Will you have access to a projection screen?


    Which book would you like?

    How many books would you like to purchase?

    Questions or comments?